The Journey Begins Here

This is how it all started…

As the first or at least among the first WWII era birth surge generation American Baby Boomer’s born in this Country minutes after midnight on January 1st , 1941, when the Census Bureau now shows our generation began, I am now the self-proclaimed spokesman for our generation.

In this my third year of my ninth generation of this God given miracle of human life experience, I have a cumulative collection of knowledge from many public and private sector leaders, friends, colleagues, mentoring bosses and partners that is now causing me to want to teach the next generation of our failings and positive accomplishments. Having known and worked personally for several former U.S. President’s, State Governor’s and prominent Corporate American CEO’s I have gained a lot from their knowledge about the United States and leadership talents upon which future generations can move forward trying to
build a better America!

I believe it is the Boomer generation’s duty to try and leave the next generation with as great or even a greater nation and world as we got when we came into it eighty-three years ago.

Dr. D. Gravatt Huber, JD

Writer & Author

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  • Common Sense II

    Common Sense II

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    Wake up Mr. & Mrs. America

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    CONTINUE READING: Wake up Mr. & Mrs. America